Benefits of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Are you receiving letters and phone calls from collectors on a frequent basis? Are the bills stacking up with no end of relief in sight? Are you skipping payments just to survive? Filing of Utah Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may be the solution you are looking for. Filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy puts a shield on your back and gives you a break from your collectors while you propose a plan to pay back a portion to all of your debts. A Utah Chapter 13 Bankruptcy generally lasts three (3) to five (5) years unless you are able to pay off the debts sooner.

A Utah Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will show up on your credit report for 7 years while a UtahĀ Chapter 7 BankruptcyĀ will show up on your credit report for 10 years. Generally, the impact on an individualā€™s credit is not as devastating compared to the filing of a Utah Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will also offer protection to a co-signer. There are many benefits to the filing of a Utah Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

Please call me atĀ (801) 432-8682Ā to discuss your options.

bankruptcy lawyer
Bankruptcy Attorney
Ryan E. Simpson
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah 84088
United States
Telephone: (801) 432-8682
Ryan E. Simpson
5.0 stars – based on 3 reviews
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